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High School Summer Program

Summer 2025: July 22 - August 8, 2025
Application Deadline:
March 1, 2025 for Early Registration
April 5, 2025 for Regular Registration

The High School Summer Program (HSSP) has three options -- in-person, zoom, and remote classes. In-person classes will be held at New York University from 10am to 3pm each weekday, including lunch from 12pm to 1pm. Zoom classes connect to the in-person classes and have a dedicated TA. Remote classes run from 10am to 12pm and from 1pm to 3pm (with a break from 12pm to 1pm).

Instructors and teaching assistants are amiable and helpful, and the atmosphere is open and collaborative.

Students are expected to work hard in the program and have fun. Fridays are set aside for unorthodox activities, mathematical games, team-building, and more.

Our summer program is in its eighteenth year, having started in 2008. The American Mathematical Society has recognized our program with its Epsilon Award for nine years. You can read some of the lovely comments from past students here.

To subscribe to announcements about student programs, see our subscription page.

High School Summer Program (HSSP)

When: Click on a course to see schedule details.
NYU: NYU Courant Institute, 251 Mercer St (map)
ONLINE: Online
  Times Loc. Fee  
HSSP In-Person July 22, 2025 - August 8, 2025 NYU $1095 Register
Location: NYU Courant Institute, 251 Mercer St (map).
HSSP Remote July 22, 2025 - August 8, 2025 ONLINE $975 Register
Location: Online.
HSSP Zoom July 22, 2025 - August 8, 2025 ONLINE $795 Register
Location: Online.

For details, please go to HSSP

Attendance Policy

Because we have a limited number of places in our program and need consideration for students on our waiting list, students should attend for the entire three weeks.


All students must take the qualifying exam, consisting of six short and one long question.

The program has three levels - Green, Blue, and Black in order of increasing difficulty. All students will receive the same exam divided into sections, Green, Blue, and Black, on the exam day itself. You will then decide to answer questions on one, two, or all three sections (we recommend two). You will be admitted to the highest level you qualify for.


Students should have a command of at least first-year level high school Algebra. Participation in honor or enrichment courses is desirable. There will be one in-person and one remote Green section.


Students should have a command of Algebra I, Geometry I, and some elementary number theory, such as that covered in Green. Prior math enrichment experience, such as NYMC coursework or math team experience, and strong problem-solving skills are expected. There will be one in-person class. Students can opt to attend via Zoom with full TA support but with limited interaction with the in-person class.


Students should have a deep knowledge of algebra, geometry, and pre-calculus, with some knowledge of combinatorics. Students must have experience with mathematical problem-solving and proof-writing, such as through prior NYMC courses, math team participation, or a similar level of preparation. There will be one in-person class. Students can opt to attend via Zoom with full TA support but with limited interaction with the in-person class.

Past Qualifying Exams

Please examine this past qualifying exam to understand what is expected of students entering a given level. In 2018, points were awarded using the formula: Multiple Choice - 1; Short Answer - 2; Long Answer - 4. Scores of approximately 20 were enough to be admitted. The current format has dropped the Multiple Choice section.

If you feel that the 2018 HSA (now Green) is too advanced for you, please consider applying to the HSA component of MSHS (July 7 - July 18). Completing this course will automatically qualify you for the Green level in HSSP.

Application Process

Click on "Register" above to start your application. The application process consists of 3 steps:

Step 1:

Registration form with contact information. Your parent or guardian must complete the bottom portion. Upon completing this step, you will receive an automated email confirmation, including a link to your Status Page.

Step 2:

Complete the online Application Form. The form is available on your Status Page. If these steps are done, you will receive an email confirming that you’ve completed the application and reminding you of the exam date and time.

Step 3:

Qualifying Exams:

  • Early exam: March 1-2. You will take a 2-hour exam in a window of your choosing. The submission deadline is 11:59pm on March 2.
  • Regular exam: April 5-13. You will take a 2-hour exam in a window of your choosing. The submission deadline is 11:59pm on April 13.

You may take either or both exams, indicating your choice(s) on the Application Form in Step 2. Your highest score will determine your placement.

Admission Process

Up to 60% of our HS Summer Program places will be given to Early Admission students (March 1-2). Students not offered a place will automatically join the pool for students applying for regular admission (April 5-13).

You can expect to hear from us within two weeks of taking the qualifying exam. If invited into the program, you will be placed into one of the levels based primarily on the qualifying exam. Our determination of placement is final.

We anticipate complete enrollment for the program and a waiting list to form. Any remaining seats will be filled on a rolling basis.

Program Cost

The cost of the in-person program at NYU is $1095. Blue/Black Zoom students pay $795. The cost of the remote Green program is $975.

If invited, we require a 20% deposit within a week to secure your spot, without which your registration may be canceled. Full payment is due by May 6.

We can significantly reduce the fee for families experiencing financial hardship. Invited students may request a fee reduction during the payment process. Financial aid does not factor into our admissions decisions.

Cancellation Policy

You may cancel by May 6 and receive a refund, except for a 20% deposit. After May 6, you may cancel for a 50% credit, and this credit may be used for any of our future classes or workshops. After June 6, the entire program fee is non-refundable. If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible out of consideration for students who may be waiting for a spot.